Whistleblowing System and Case Management Platform

Laws, regulations and guidelines in Brazil and around the world require or recommend that organizations establish a formal reporting and incident management system. To meet this need, GRC Vista works with the most secure and comprehensive solution on the marketGot Ethics®.

The Got Ethics® system does more than just meet regulatory requirements: it opens up real possibilities. By providing effective risk management it can make organizations better places to work thanks to higher retention, attraction, and satisfaction rates for employees, clients, suppliers, and partners.

Additionally, its intuitive design, ease of use, and robust security lead to greater transparency plus greater credibility with investors, partners, clients, and third-party service providers.

A centralized reporting platform safeguards anonymity and promotes effective compliance, making the Got Ethics® system essential for supporting best practices and preventing risks such as bullying, sexual harassment, racism, conflicts of interest, breaches of codes of conduct, accounting fraud, and employee theft, so your organization can maintain and improve its operational productivity, and internal and external reputation.

The Got Ethics® Solution

Based in Copenhagen, Got Ethics® produces one of the safest and most advanced whistleblowing systems and incident management platforms available. GDPR compliant and trusted by over 350 organizations worldwide, its software was selected by the European Commission and is certified ISO 27001 and ISAE 3000 by BDO Global Auditors.

With over 7.5 million end-users and available in over 55 languages, the system handles the intake of reports received via web-based access, mobile app (iPhone and Android), or a 24/7 hotline. Notification of reports submitted is sent via automated e-mail and SMS. Ongoing communications with investigators are conducted through an optional secure mailbox within the reporting system.

Customers have full and exclusive centralized control of the database and all information stored in the system.

The platform offers innovative filters and other features which allow you to tailor the case management system to the specific needs, areas, and departments of your organization.

  • got ethics diagram
  • got ethics diagram


+300 websites

+7,5 million end-users

+20.000 cases resolved

+130 countries

3 channels on one platform

3 channels on one platform

Mobile app

Implementation and Training

GRC Vista is the sales and implementation representative of Got Ethics® in Latin America, Central America and North America, and can provide training on system utilization and functionality.

With a pre-defined operating plan and a joint customization approach, the system takes four to six weeks to be implemented.

Learn more

To learn more about how GRC Vista and the Got Ethics® anonymous reporting and incident management system can help your organization open up new opportunities, support best governance practices, prevent risk, and strengthen a culture of corporate responsibility, just complete the form below: